How To Relieve Your TMJ Pain With Massage Therapy

woman in pain touching jaw

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) affects as many as 10 million Americans. TMJ can cause tension, pain, or both, in the jaw and neck, contribute to migraines, and might even cause you to experience discomfort in your back or hips.

You might also struggle with everyday tasks like chewing because TMJ directly impacts the jaw and the muscles that cause it to move. Even when you are not doing anything, it can feel like your jaw is locking, and the pain is almost constantly present.

Needless to say, TMJ pain is not something anyone wants to live with for long. While medications and, in certain situations, surgery can help, you might also benefit from massage therapy to help you find some relief.

What Causes TMJ?

TMJ is more common than most people realize. Anything from genetics to injuries, accidents, and even neck strain can contribute to the condition.

However, mental health struggles can also play a role in developing the condition. Most people understand that stress and anxiety can take a toll on the body. When you are constantly tense, it can lead to digestive issues, aches and pains, headaches, and more.

It can even contribute to TMJ, since it is more likely that your body will tighten and tense up when you are anxious, leading to pain in the jaw, the neck, or both. The lifestyle choices you might make when stressed can exacerbate the condition. For example, TMJ can start to feel worse if you adopt a poor diet as a “coping” mechanism. Foods that are high in sugar or caffeine can make your body even more stressed and cause the condition (and your pain!) to become worse.

Common Treatments for TMJ

Many people who struggle with TMJ will see a dentist or orthodontist for help. Things like bite guards are often prescribed for those dealing with the condition to prevent teeth grinding and provide some support and relief.

Other treatment options include everything from medication to occlusal adjustments and surgery.

In some cases, those treatment efforts are necessary. However, you might also want to consider massage therapy for the pain you are experiencing associated with TMJ.

How Can Massage Therapy Help?

Massage therapy for TMJ has two-fold benefits.

First, it can immediately and directly help with the pain you are experiencing from the condition. A massage therapist can reduce the “pressure” caused by TMJ, causing the muscles to relax so you are not clenching your jaw and experiencing that tightness and pain. You may feel fast relief when this happens, and that pain-free experience will last a while.

However, perhaps the more important benefit of massage therapy for TMJ is how it indirectly helps the condition.

Since some of the underlying factors of TMJ are often stress, anxiety, or both, massage therapy can help by fostering a sense of calm in your mind. You can start to let go of some of the stress you have been holding onto, which can provide more long-term relief. If your pain has traveled to your neck or shoulders, massage can also help to ease that tension and make you feel better.

That creates a positive cycle. The less pain you are in, the less likely you are to experience tension and stress.

The treatment required for TMJ is often multilevel. You might benefit from talking to your doctor or dentist and receiving a mouthguard you can wear at night. However, if you are tired of experiencing daily pain from TMJ and want to alleviate some of the stress contributing to it, massage therapy can help. Feel free to contact me to set up an appointment soon for TMJ Massage Therapy.


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